Hydroprocessing of fossil fuel-based aviation kerosene – Technology options and climate impact mitigation potentials

Gunnar Quante , Steffen Voß, Nils Bullerdiek, Christiane Voigt , Martin Kaltschmitt
Atmospheric Environment: X  •  Volume 22 (2024)   FEATURED BOOK
contrails, CO2 and NOx emissions. Renewably sourced aviation kerosene can help to reduce the climate impact from CO2 and from contrails, but so far, its production capacities are very small. Hence, the climate impact of using fossil fuel-based kerosene with a hydrogen content increased by hydroprocessing as short term mitigation measure is studied here. Therefore, the change in net energy forcing (ΔEFnet) in 2019 is calculated as the sum of the change in contrail energy forcing (ΔEFcontrail) and additional CO2 emissions (ΔEFhydroprocessing) from aviation kerosene hydroprocessing (ΔEFnet = ΔEFcontrail + ΔEFhydroprocessing). The results show that hydroprocessed aviation kerosene can reduce the net energy forcing EFnet by about 33 % with ΔEFhydroprocessing penalty of 5 %-points. Increasing the hydroprocessing severity increases the relative climate benefit, which is only slightly affected by the emissions factor for hydroprocessing or the choice of the time horizon. Data limitations about fuel composition and its effect on contrails and climate cause considerable uncertainties and the fuel's compliance with specification standards needs consideration. This study on the climate effect of hydroprocessed fossil kerosene can help to assess near-term measures to reduce the climate impact from aviation.
Aviation climate impact;Fossil fuel-based kerosene;Hydroprocessing;Contrail climate impact;Mitigation potential
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