Dr. Sachin Kumar Mangla is working in the field of Green and Sustainable Supply Chain and Operations; Industry 4.0; Circular Economy; Decision Making and Simulation. He has a teaching experience of more than eight years in Supply Chain and Operations Management and Decision Making, and currently associated in teaching with various universities in UK, Turkey, India, China, France, etc. He is the director of Research Centre for "Digital Circular Economy for Sustainable Development Goals (DCE-SDG), O.P. Jindal Global University, India. He is committed to do and promote high quality research. He has published/presented several papers in repute UTD24/FT50/ABS 4/ABDC A* journals (Production and Operations Management (POM); OMEGA; British Journal of Management; Journal of Business Research; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Technovation; Computers and Operations Research; Production Planning and Control; Business Strategy and the Environment;; Annals of Operations Research; Transportation Research Part-D; Transportation Research Part-E; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Information System Frontier;) and conferences (POMS, SOMS, IIIE, CILT – LRN, MCDM, GLOGIFT). He has an h-index 81, i10-index 175, Google Scholar Citations of 20000. He is involved in several editorial positions and editing couple of Special issues as a Guest Editor in top tier journals. Currently, he is working as an Associate Editor at Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Logistics Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management etc. He is also involved in several research projects on various issues and applications of Circular economy, Industry 4.0 and Sustainability. Among them, he contributed to the knowledge-based decision model in “Enhancing and implementing knowledge-based ICT solutions within high risk and uncertain conditions for agriculture production systems (RUC-APS)”, European Commission RISE scheme. Recently, he has also received a grant as a PI from British Council – Newton Fund Research Environment Links Turkey/UK – Circular and Industry 4.0 driven solutions for reducing food waste in supply chains. He is also working in several projects on Food Waste and Circular Economy and Industry 4.0 issues, sponsored by AICTE, ICSSR, Government of India. He received project funding for Food Waste Management in Circular Economy from the USERC, Government of India.
He has been awarded with the IIIE-Fellowship 2023-24 by the National Council of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, India. He has also been awarded Honorary Fellowship of Institution of Media Professionals, IMP, 2024, by the Bharti Vidya Institute of Computer and Applications, India.
He has also achieved the status of a certified Lean Consultant, LEAN MSME Ministry and NPC (National Productivity Council), Govt. of India. Currently, he is involved in R&C with an award of Contract as Lean Manufacturing Consultant (LMC) GOE/MCLS/NPC/HR-60– comprising of 20 (Twenty) MSME units. Also, awarded with DST Joint Indo-Swiss joint project, Govt of India, 2024-2027, titled – “Reconfiguring post-consumer textile fiber-to-fiber recycling value chains for sustainable circular economy resortex” in collaboration with IIT Delhi, Textile Department and the value of this project at India side – 60Lakhs. Prof Sachin Kumar Mangla (Co-PI). He has also won the first prize for the prestigious Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Scholar Award 2021. He was ranked 404 in the world and 10 in United Kingdom and was recognized with 2022 Rising Star of Science Award, and he further ranked as 7th in in India among Rising Stars for 2024 by He was also ranked among the top 2% scientists in the world by the Stanford University for the last consecutive three years 2022, 2023 and 2024. In 2023, has also bene included in the Clarivate™ list (1% top scientists in social science research) and social scientists (1 in 1000) who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. Recently, he also been awarded as a High-End Foreign Expert Talent Grant from Ministry of Science and Technology, China. He is also the member of NWO - Dutch Research Council - Circular Economy Committee. He is also an active member of The Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge-Action Network (SSCP KAN).